Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Changing moralities

A balanced fulfillment of ALL human needs is important for a happy life.. Suppressing your desires might have been an ideal deed according as per our earlier generation but this practice has certainly changed with our current generation.. Greed, money, sex, pleasures have got a new definition and acceptibility.. Being greedy for success, money, having sex is not considered as evil in the modern moral code.. Ofcourse, as long as it doesn't come at the cost of harming someone.. Restraint is not the most acceptable quality anymore, being passionate is! This changed acceptable moralities have led to a state of grey area - something that was interpreted wrong earlier is the new right now. this is more popularly known as 'generation gap'. Which leads to confusion between right/wrong. 

Family values , family distance(physical) and distance(emotional) are few things also going through transistion.. But bottom line is with family support, community backing, social circle - gives a lot of confidence, specially to tide though hard times, helps maintain balance in life and remaining sane.. But ofcourse, takes a lot of time and effort too.. Hence the time you are staying alone is the time for consolidation, time for learning, time devoted to improvement.. Make most of it, use it to grow personlly.. But remember you can only grow to a point alone, after that you need that social backing.. Now what if the social circle you have is different from your personal direction , well you have to create it then,. You will have to create it all by yourself.. Isnt this so differnet to the existing structure of imheritance.. And that explains the culture of restraint, control, adjustment..Actually the optimum situation is when it is best of both worlds..

But if not, create your social circle and adapt to current moralities yourself..

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